
Friday, June 29, 2018

Fitness Friday 6/29

Fitness Friday

Currently Training For:
  • Dopey Challenge 2018 - Walt Disney World
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon 2018 - New Orleans, LA 
  • Contraband Days 5 Miler 
  • 4 on the 4th
  • Rock n Roll San Antonino Half 
Saturday - 5 Mile Run
Sunday - Rest Day
Monday -
Early morning Orangetheory workout - "ESP" - Endurance, Strength, and Power 
Tuesday - 2 mile walk
Wednesday -
Rest Day
Thursday -
Orangetheory - Power workout combined with a partner workout
Friday -
Rest Day

This has been an interesting week to say the least! The heat index is already insane and I am kind of scared to see what August has to bring!

On Saturday morning, Brayden and I ventured out for a 5 mile run. By 8 a.m., the temps were always at a "feels like 95 degrees" outside. What is that, even?!

Fitness Friday

Despite the oppressive heat, we made it!

Fitness Friday

...and we saw some chickens along the way!

Fitness Friday

On Monday morning, I woke up bright and early for an Orangetheory workout.

Fitness Friday

This workout was an ESP workout which combined endurance, strength, and power all in one. It was a great workout!!

Fitness Friday

I also might have stopped by PJ's for a "skinny" iced caramel latte!

On Thursday afternoon, I met up with a friend at Orangetheory for an afternoon workout. She was trying OT for the first time and didn't want to go alone, so she came with me!

Fitness Friday

This. Was. By. Far. The. Hardest. OT. Workout. So. Far.

The class was a "power" one, and I knew when we were finishing up things a little early that something was up. Sure enough, our coach said she had a "surprise" for us...and I knew that couldn't be good. So, she announced that the last 15 minutes of class was going to be a partner workout. I thought I had a partner but for some reason I didn't - it was a miscommunication and I didn't find out until we were already into the workout. This workout was a split between the weight floor and the rowers. After doing one set on the rowers and one set on the weight floor, I decided to just stay on the rowers and I rowed 1500 m instead! By the end of the class, I was done. DONE.

Fitness Friday

This seriously was a super tough workout. I definitely felt great afterward, though!

So, that was my workout week in a nutshell! I hope to run tomorrow morning, just much earlier than last weekend!

What are your weekend plans? Have a great one!


  1. I'm impressed that you are running so far with the heat and humidity - it's really tough out there...and then you add on pushing a toddler in a stroller? Yikes!

    1. Hah thanks! It’s definiely not easy and we have to go once it’s cooled off (whatever that means). Maybe saying once the sun is setting is more appropriate here! LOL

  2. Wow, so many workouts! (I am recovering from a really bad back flareup, so I am just starting to feel better and like I could go for a 10-minute walk - maybe - haha, so reading all this was like "whoa" right now. Go you! I forget what state you're in, but seems like the entire county is getting an incredible heat wave right now and for a good little while. It's currently 91.5 degrees here and I'm already wanting Spring back! haha

    1. I’m in Southwest Louisiana and we didn’t get much of a spring this year but that’s normal for us. Ah well. Hope your back is better soon!

  3. That heat index is crazy. It gets hot here, but it cools off at night. That was always the tough part about Dallas in the summer. It wasn't cooling off at night, and we didn't get a break.

    1. Yessss that’s what it’s like here too! There’s no time for it to cool down. It’s madness.
