
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Running While On Vacation

Running on vacation - anyone else with me? It seems like every time I pack for a vacation, it includes a running outfit or two. Taking time to sneak in a couple runs on vacation really makes a difference for me, and here's how:


 Helps me stay on schedule and keep a sense of normalcy 
It seems like there's always a race I'm training for, so keeping up with a training plan (loosely) helps me stay on track. I don't usually go on vacation with the intention of running or working out daily, but sneaking in a few runs here and there really helps!

 Running in new places and seeing new sights can be fun!
There's something exciting about running in a new place, be it a resort, a cruise ship, or even a track at a hotel (yes that's happened once)!

A lot of vacays are centered around race weekends
A good way to stay active on a vacation is to include a race in your plans! 

Most resorts have a running track, path, or gym
It's been a long while since I stayed at a resort that did not have some form of workout location. Hitting the gym early before it gets crazy is always my plan and it seems to work! If I'm running outside, I like to make sure the sun is at least rising because running in a strange place in the dark doesn't seem like a safe idea.

Helps me feel less guilty about eating all the foods...and desserts
I mean, it IS vacation after all. Any calorie counting goes out the window and I tend to eat all the things! Adding on a few miles here and there helps me feel less guilty about indulging while on vacation. 

Tuesdays on the Run

It's the Tuesdays On The Run Linkup with ErikaMarcia and Patty


  1. I love to run on vacation. I don't eat all the things but I certainly do eat more. But my vacations are also racecations.

    However, we don't stay at resorts and let's just say I've had to resort to odd things like running along highways & around parking lots at times to get my runs in.

    1. That has happened to me at least twice. One time, the hotel promised that they had a fitness center and wasn't. Haha!

  2. I am with you. I love running on vacation. Luckily, my hubby is a runner too, so we have run is some pretty cool locations. I enjoyed reading your post!

    1. Oooh that's so nice! I'm glad you guys have seen lots of interesting places to run!

  3. I have found that I use races as an excuse to see new places! So far it's been working!

  4. I run, then I indulge. I made sure to hit up Ghirardelli when I was in San Francisco.

  5. I always try to find a place to run (preferably outside) while on vacation, too. I was pleasantly surprised to find a trail at a Disney resort when we were on spring break...totally awesome!

    1. So fun! I love the running trails at Disney! :)

  6. I love running on vacation as well. It's always fun to explore a new city that way.

    1. So fun! This is one of my favorite things about running on vacation!

  7. Running on vacation is such a fun way to see a new city or explore a new country.

  8. I agree with all your reasons for running on vacation. When I'm on vacation, I know I'm going to indulge in yummy foods and more alcoholic drinks, so running helps me feel less guilty for indulging!
