
Thursday, August 23, 2018

Birthday Celebration Number One

If you've been around the blog a while, you know that we like to celebrate birthdays big over here. I feel as if a birthday is a special day and should be celebrated big...sometimes if not the whole month. Whoops. :)

Even though my official birthday isn't until next week, we spent this past weekend celebrating with my friends!

They took me out to Walk Ons for dinner. It seems as if Walk Ons has become a birthday tradition over here lately, because we've eaten there for the past few special occasions!

Prior to leaving for dinner, I took a picture of Brayden in his outfit and he was telling me he was "all done", even though he hadn't yet smiled for a picture. Silly kid!

I decided to stray from my usual and order the ahi tuna salad. It was just ok, but I don't think I'll order it again. Next time, I'll stick with my usual favorite.

Dessert did not disappoint, however! My friends knew my favorite - chocolate cake with peanut butter icing! This. Was. Delicious!

After dinner came gifts!

How adorable is this shirt for my upcoming cruise?! I can't wait to wear it!

Jason and Brayden gifted me with a pair of Fitbit bluetooth headphones and sadly, they didn't work for me. I was debating between the Aftershokz Trekz and the Fitbit ones and I definitely made the wrong decision with the Fitbit Flyers. I think I just have weird shaped ears because they do not stay in place. Thankfully Best Buy allowed Jason to return them and I'll order the other pair soon.

What's a birthday dinner out if the wait staff doesn't sing to you?!

My friends really are the best! We had a blast at dinner as usual!

Along with the shirt, they also gifted me with a certificate to have my nails done before our trip as well as a couple of face masks!

 For my actual birthday, we will celebrate with brunch at Palo on the Disney Fantasy and I cannot wait!!

Do you like to make a big deal about birthdays or is it just another day?


  1. Actually that ahi salad looks great to me! But I also love sushi. :) And Chocolate + PB -- yes please!

    I do not enjoy being the center of attention, so I don't really make a big deal out of my birthday. A nice dinner is good enough for me. :)

    1. I understand about not liking to be the center of attention! We just like to celebrate around here! :) Yes, that cupcake was AMAZING!

  2. Happy Birthday! I have the Aftershokz Trekz headphones and LOVE them. I also have weird ears that traditional earbuds don't work for.
