
Friday, September 21, 2018

Fitness Friday - 9/1

Another week has come and gone! Although tomorrow is officially the first day of fall, it doesn't feel like anything has changed here. Thankfully, we have heard talks of a possible cool front next weekend which should leave temps in the upper 60's!! I cannot wait!

How did this week go? Let's take a look!

Fitness Friday

Currently Training For:
  • Dopey Challenge 2018 - Walt Disney World
  • Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon 2018 - New Orleans, LA 
  • Contraband Days 5 Miler 
  • 4 on the 4th
  • Castaway Cay 5K (Cancelled)
  • Rock n Roll San Antonino Half 
  • Fairy Tale Challenge 
Saturday - 5 Mile Run 
Sunday - Rest Day
Monday -
Orangetheory Power Day (OUCH)
Tuesday - Rest Day (my legs were so tired from OTF the day before)
Wednesday - Orangetheory Run to Row
Thursday -
Walk at the Park with Brayden
Friday - Gleaux Run 5K

As I mentioned earlier, this week was HOT with no sign of fall anywhere. On Saturday morning, I made a dumb mistake and thought I could run a little bit later in the morning since it was "cooling off" outside. WRONG. By the time we finished our 5 mile run, the temps were "feels like 100 degrees" and I was so drained of all of my energy.

I definitely won't make that mistake again!

After a much needed rest day on Sunday, I returned to Orangetheory on Monday morning for a class with my favorite coach. It was power day and we seriously had like 12 all outs on the treadmill or something crazy like that. TWELVE. If you aren't familiar with the Orangetheory lingo, that's 12 times that we had to run our hardest for a set time (1 minute x 4, then 45 seconds x 4, then 30 seconds x 4). My hips were so sore by Tuesday morning!

After another rest day on Tuesday, I returned to Orangetheory on Wednesday for an endurance and upper body workout.

This one was a run to row (where we ran on the treadmills, then rowed - back and forth a few times). We also did an upper body workout which involved a bunch of pushups. My weakest area is my upper body, so to see slight improvements in the way I move and weights I can lift is really great!

On Thursday afternoon, Brayden and I went to the park for a quick walk, then I chased him around while he played between the splash pad and the slides. Chasing a toddler around is serious cardio, y'all. I'm not joking, either!

So much fun at the park!

The remainder of my week was spent planning Gleaux Run things! This will be our fourth Gleaux Run and I'm so excited to see how it all turns out!

I love volunteering with the American Cancer Society because I know my time, effort, energy, and dollars are going to a worthy cause.

If you'd like to follow along with the progress of this year's Gleaux Run, check out my stories on instagram - I'll be posting there throughout the day starting around 12 noon central time. :)

Last but not least, we had several good eats this week! For lunch one day, I visited my favorite salad place with my coworkers! I always order the China Town and it's delicious! 

Jason also cooked his mom's vegetable soup recipe and that was delicious as well!

I hope the first day of fall will treat you better than it's treating us! Have a fabulous weekend!

Do you have any exciting weekend plans?


  1. Highs in the 60s? Ooh that sounds WONDERFUL!

    Both the salad and stew look so yummy. I can't do stew until our weather turns cooler, but hey - only two months away! LOL

    1. Well sad times...the cold front isn't coming now. Whomp whomp.

      I know what you mean about the stew - it was kind of warm out for it, but it tasted great!
