
Monday, October 8, 2018

Tone It Up Protein Bars

About a year ago, I shared a favorite pre-run snack bar called the Quest Beyond Cereal Protein Bar. Unfortunately, my local stores no longer carry this bar, which means I have to order them online. You might say that's not a big deal, right? Well, it is for me when it's the night before a big run and...whoops...I'm out of Quest Cereal bars and forgot to order more.

This might be a true story and it might have happened to me.

In a slight panic, I took to my local Target to remedy the problem. I've eaten Luna bars and Clif bars in the past and knew our Target carried a variety of those flavors.

What I was surprised to see on the shelf was a new protein bar from my favorite Tone It Up Girls! I know you've seen mention of their workouts here in the past as they are my go-to at-home cross training gu-ru's. Well, I obviously HAD to try them out!

Tone It Up Protein Bars

These protein bars that were anticipated to be a fill-in until my online order of Quest bars arrived have quickly become my new favorite pre-workout snack! Bonus: I know where I can find these on the shelves vs having to order online!

Tone It Up Protein Bars

Over the past few months, I've tried all three flavors and loved them all equally (I don't have a favorite)!
  • Peanut Butter Chocolate
  • Blueberry Coconut
  • Salted Caramel
Tone It Up Protein Bars

These bars are light, filling, and deliver the perfect amount of pre-workout energy. They are also light on the calories, ranging between 160-170 calories per bar. Another perk - they are gluten free, non GMO, and plant based!

Was I compensated for this review? No.....nor did I receive free product in exchange for this review. I simply love these bars and wanted to share my new find with others who might benefit from them, too!

If you give them a try, let me know what you think! 
What's your favorite pre-workout snack/meal?


  1. Those flavors all sound good! Especially the blueberry coconut ;-)

  2. Ohh - thanks! I will have to check them out. I am struggling with getting more protein in my diet.
