
Friday, December 14, 2018

How Christmas Saved The Grinch 2018

Can you believe there's just a week and a few days until Christmas? I definitely cannot! It's crazy how fast this past year has flown by. I say it every year, but it's true!

Last weekend, my church put on their annual Christmas production entitled "How Christmas Saved The Grinch" and I was lucky enough to be a part! Last year, I told the director that I was willing to do "whatever", so I became an extra and after 15 weeks of practice, it was time for production weekend!

I honestly never realized just how much went into the behind the scenes roles of making this production come together, but it's quite a bit of work! Not only were most of the costumes hand sewn and the sets made from scratch, but on the day of the production, the noses had to be put on 8 actors and hair and makeup had to be done for 18+ actors which took several hours to complete!

This production is the sweetest - it tells the story of The Grinch who hates Christmas. He meets Cindy-Lou who introduces him to Jesus and...well, after his encounter with Jesus, his heart grew three sizes that day!

On Friday, we performed two shows for the schools (it's an approved field trip in our parish) with over 3,000 kids in attendance. The on Sunday, we performed two additional shows for the public with almost 2,000 in attendance! I'd call it a hit!

For the past four years, we've taken this picture together, and it's fun to see how Brayden (and we) have changed over the years! I was pregnant in our very first picture in 2015!

As a huge surprise, Brayden actually sat for a few seconds to take a picture with The Grinch! I couldn't hardly believe it myself!

After it was all said and done on Friday, we celebrated with shakes from Chick Fil A! Mine was (of course) a peppermint shake! Yum!

If you're interested in seeing a behind-the-scenes glimpse at what it takes to make Whoville come to life, check out my Vlogidays video below!

Thanks for following along! I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas season! Have a great weekend!! :)

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