
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Race Bling

The close of 2018 is right around the corner and with that comes blog posts that reflect on the past year. Since I'm one of those sappy, reflective, memories type person, I thought it would be fun to participate in a Tuesday on the Run topic and take a look back over the race bling that was earned in 2018!

There were three sets of races that I ran this year where I earned medals, and all three are very special to me in different ways! 

It all started in January with my favorite race of the year, the Dopey Challenge at Walt Disney World!

This race experience included four different races, one of those being my 6th full marathon (and last for a little while). I ran this entire event with a friend of mine and we had a BLAST! Crossing the finish line of the full marathon after 48.6 miles through the most magical place on earth was truly a race highlight! 

In February, I ran the Rock n Roll New Orleans Half Marathon and had a marvelous time!

Rock n Roll New Orleans is another favorite of mine (I run it every year) and LOVE love love the course! I also added the 5K this year (as a first at this event for me) and really enjoyed myself there as well! With the addition of the 5K, I also earned an extra medal for a three medal weekend! Rock on!

Last but not least, I ran the Rock n Roll San Antonio Half Marathon just a few weeks ago and had another amazing experience! 

I mainly registered for the San Antonio Half because I heard about an "extra bling" opportunity for running both New Orleans and San Antonio in the same calendar year.  This race was definitely well worth the extra effort and I love the bling!!

Three races and eleven medals - sounds pretty legit to me! It was definitely a great year filled with lots of fun racing memories!

Tuesdays on the Run

It's the Tuesdays On The Run Linkup with ErikaMarcia and Patty


  1. I love that extra bling medal that you go for running San Antonio and New Orleans!

  2. You got a lot of bling for your buck with those races! So fun to see it all together in one post. :)

  3. One year I'll get to NO to do RnR. I've loved their medal designs for years.

    1. They are always so cute! This is such a fun race course, too! You would love it!

  4. That's a great haul of bling! I can't think of a better way to start the year with a bang than Dopey!

    1. You're right! It was definitely a great way to start off the year!

  5. How fun!!!!! I had forgotten about New Orleans....I'd totally LOVE to do that some year. My running friend told me she's retiring from marathons (we ran one in October), but recently she's been talking about the Dopey Challenge LOL...never say never, right?

    1. Yes, never say never. We all know where that leads. Hah!

  6. You sure did rack up some great race bling this year! Cheers to 2019
